St. Matthew Announces Sermon by Phone Service


Sermon by Phone now available for
St. Matthew UMC in Weston, WV

Today, during the Sunday Online Worship, Pastor Jim Martin announced an exciting, new service St. Matthew United Methodist Church in Weston, WV is rolling out with called Sermon by Phone.

Pastor Jim is delighted to share with everyone this exciting news, but especially to those who do not have computer or a smart phone with internet access.

Sermon by Phone is a service that acquires a local (toll free) phone number and makes available to the subscribing church the ability to “upload” a voice recording of any length (such as a sermon) and attach the recording to the phone number. 

This is quite a new thing and was the idea of the spouse of a young United Methodist pastor serving a rural community in north Georgia. 

All you need do is dial the local number that has been setup for St. Matthew UMC and you will hear Pastor Jim’s most recent sermon.  The new sermons will be “uploaded” and available to access sometime after the Sunday morning service. 

Here is our Sermon by Phone Number:       


Please pass along this exciting news to our congregation so that we may begin connecting again with those who do not have internet access.

St. Matthew UMC thanks all of our members for your continued support which helps make things like this possible.

God is indeed good!