08/12/20 On Sun., Aug. 9 during our Sunday Morning Online Worship Service, Pastor Jim Martin announced an exciting new phone service called One Call Now that St. Matthew UMC will soon be using.
One Call Now is an automated calling system that delivers phone call messages to groups of people. St. Matthew will be utilizing this and delivering messages in real time regarding church updates, events, service cancellations, prayer requests and other important timely information.
The significance of this service is that St. Matthew will now be able to update its congregation very quickly, keeping members updated in real time. This service could not be more important during these trying times that seem to change by the minute.
And, the neat thing about the One Call Now service is that sub-groups can be created to reach out to the church’s various groups like the Choir or the Women’s Group–keeping you connected with all of the latest happenings.
St. Matthew is in the process of updating all of its member’s phone numbers. If you would like to be included in receiving these important phone message updates, please contact secretary Rachel Smith by phone, email or mail and provide the following information listed below.
- Your “preferred” phone number to be used
- Church group affiliations you have such as Sunday School Class (which one), Men’s Group, Women’s Group, Choir, Praise Team, Church Committees, etc.
- And please confirm if you would also like to be included in the Prayer Chain
If you have any questions with this exciting new service, please contact Rachel Smith at 304-269-2428 or stmatthewweston@gmail.com.