
By Pastor Jim Martin
Dear Members of St. Matthew Church and St. Matthew Church Council,
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am writing today to notify members of St. Matthew United Methodist Church and especially the Church Council members that a Special Charge Conference has been called and scheduled for April 19, 2021 at 6:30 PM.

Members of Church Council, all of which are members of Charge Conference, are expected to attend. We will meet in person in the sanctuary of the church. Of course, the COVID protocols will continue to be in place, e.g. we will observe mask wearing and proper physical distancing.
This Special Charge Conference is a one item charge conference. Its purpose is to elect a new church treasurer. Since church officers and committee assignments are fixed through the charge conference, when there is an essential position that becomes open in the middle of the year, the appropriate course of action is to call a special charge conference for the expressed reason. Charge Conferences are to be conducted by the District Superintendent or an elder appointed by the DS. In this case, DS Rick Swearengin has appointed me, as an ordained elder, to preside over this called Special Charge Conference.
Sara Huntz has regrettably asked to step down as our treasurer due to a current health condition which at this time challenges her ability to fulfil her duties and responsibilities as Church Treasurer. (Sara wishes everyone to know that her condition is “non-threatening” for which I am thankful.)
As I write this, I wish to acknowledge Sara Huntz and her able hand as our former treasurer. Sara brought not just a talented accounting skill set, but a zest in providing analysis and understanding of “the numbers” that will continue to help vitally in the administration of doing church here at St. Matthew. With deep appreciation: Thank you, Sara!
In conclusion, the only business of this Special Charge Conference will be to officially accept Sara Huntz’s resignation, then nominate and elect an individual as Treasurer to assume the duties and responsibilities of this office in the life of St. Matthew church.
If you have a question or would like to speak with me, please do not hesitate to call.
In Christ,
Pastor Jim
Rev. James Martin, Pastor – 304-614-2698 or jimmartin124@gmail.com
St. Matthew United Methodist Church
120 East Third Street
Weston, WV 26452