2021 Virtual Spiritual Growth Retreat for WVUMC United Methodist Women


04/18/21. Like most organizations, the usual events for the West Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Women were canceled for 2020. However, the UMW Leadership Team was determined to provide transformative educational opportunities for the women around the Conference in 2021.
While we are not particularly skilled at using technology, the leadership team hosts monthly gatherings by Zoom to share virtual presentations adapted from the 2020-21Program Book: Knitted Together for God’s Good Work, provided by the UMW national office. 
In April, women from around the conference joined us to share “Unbound to Share Good News,” a worship program designed to learn how women experience freedom in Christ through the stories of the unbound woman and the women at the empty tomb and to apply that understanding to the work of our Regional Missionaries.

2021 Virtual Spiritual Growth Retreat will be held on Saturday, April 24 at 10 a.m. via Zoom. Our theme is “Moving Forward Together: Living Water (John 4:1-29)” and our guest speakers are Rev. Amy Shanholtzer & Eva Faulkner.

Event details and zoom logon information are posted on our West Virginia United Methodist Women Facebook Page at  https://www.facebook.com/umwwv

Glory Sighting submitted by Pam Braden and Margaret Harrison. Read the rest of the story by following the link below!