Bishop’s Chalice Challenge Announced


The Foundation is sponsoring the Bishop’s Chalice Challenge, a golf scramble to raise funds for the Endowment for Religious and Spiritual Life (learn more here) at West Virginia Wesleyan College.  The tournament will held on July 19, 2021 at Sleepy Hollow Golf Club in Hurricane, West Virginia.  

On the day of the event, the Foundation staff will be available to greet you and complete golfing arrangements at 9:30 a.m.  A United Start will begin at 11:00 a.m.  We ask that you pre-register for the scramble.

Registration for Golfers

You can register at this link.  Foursomes are encouraged to register together.  If you register prior to John Wesley’s birthday (June 28), the cost for a team of four people is $300.  Team registrations after June 28 are $320 per team of four.  Individuals can register for $80.  We ask that everyone register by July 12.

Registration covers golf fees, cart, a meal, an Amazing Grace package of mulligans (see below) and entry into the event competitions.

Amazing Grace Package

Each team who registers will receive an Amazing Grace Package.  This includes:

  • Prevenient Grace – Each player can move to the red tees for one hole.
  • Justifying Grace – Each player gets one do-over (mulligan).
  • Sanctifying Grace – Each team has the opportunity for one “gimme” from anywhere on the green

By grace our game is saved.

Generosity Opportunities

The Foundation, as host for the event, is paying for the majority of expenses for the day.  Your registration cost will directly benefit the Endowment.  You also have the opportunity to donate additional funds to the Religious and Spiritual Life Endowment at our online giving portal (Select Other.  Indicate Spiritual Life Endowment) or by mailing a check to The Foundation. 

Learn more about the Endowment by clicking here.

Sponsorship Opportunities

The Foundation is asking for sponsors for the event.  If you or your organization (or church) would like to learn more about sponsorship or register as a sponsor, click this link or contact The Foundation.
