Christmas Poinsettias will be placed in the church on Sun., Dec. 19, in honor of and/or in memory of loved ones. The cost of each plant is $17.50, to be paid at the time the order is placed. If you wish to purchase a poinsettia, please complete the form below, place it in the collection plate or return it to the church office, with your money or check made payable to St. Matthew UM Church. The deadline for ordering is Monday, December 13. We ask that you leave your poinsettia at the church until after the Christmas Eve Service is over, if possible.
You may also wish to make a donation to other funds in lieu of or in addition to the poinsettia(s).
Name of donor:__________________________________________
Number of plants:___________@ $17.50 each =_______________
In Memory of:___________________________________________
In Honor of:_____________________________________________
Monetary Donation
In lieu of (or in addition to) a poinsettia, I wish to donate $_______ to
( ) General Expense Fund
( ) Other: Please indicate___________________________________
Name of Donor:___________________________________________
In Memory of:____________________________________________
In Honor of:______________________________________________