
This special Sunday invites churches to pay attention to the hunger and poverty issues that run throughout West Virginia. Special donations given this day support Hunger Grants supplied by the WVUMC Global Ministries Team.
Hunger Grants are awarded in support of food pantries and other agencies that help the hungry throughout WVUMC. Grants can cover food and food-related items (such as nutrition education, food storage, etc.) but cannot cover administrative costs or utility payments for clients.
The Hunger Grant Fund of the West Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church is in need of funds. We were not able to grant funds this year to needy food pantries because of lack of funds.
In West Virginia, 242,180 people are facing hunger and of them 68,310 are children, that means that in our state alone 1 in 5 children face hunger each and every day.
If you wish to donate to the Hunger Grant, please give through your local church. The church should then send the money along with their church remittance form, earmarked for “Hunger Grant #220.” Make checks payable to Conference Treasurer and mail to PO Box 2469, Charleston, WV 25329.
If you prefer to give online, go to: https://wvumcweb.myshelby.org/
- Click on GIVE at the top of the page
- Click on Give Online (Far right blue box)
- Then follow the prompts.
Thank you for your generosity!Thank you, Elizabeth Bailes, West Virginia Conference Hunger Grant coordinator
Learn more about Hunger Grants and other grants that help our community here!