Easter Lilies Available for 2024


For Easter Sunday, lilies can be purchased and placed in the chancel area in honor of or in memory of friends and loved ones.  The cost is $17.50 for each lily.

If you wish to purchase a lily, please complete the form below, place it in the collection plate, or return it to the church office with your check payable to “St. Matthew UM Church”.  Lilies may be picked up following the 10:45 a.m. worship service on Easter Sunday. The deadline for ordering lilies is Mon., Mar. 18, 2024.

Easter Lily Order Form

For Easter Sunday, lilies can be purchased and placed in the chancel area in honor of or in memory of friends and loved ones. The cost is $17.50 for each lily.

If you wish to purchase a lily, please complete the form below, place it in the collection plate, or return it to the church office with your check payable to “St. Matthew UM Church”. Lilies may be picked up following the 10:45 a.m. worship service on Easter Sunday. The deadline for ordering lilies is Monday, March 18.


Name of donor:_________________________________________

Number of lilies:________________________________________

Total of Purchase:_______________________________________

In Memory of:___________________________________________


In Honor of:_____________________________________________


In lieu of (or in addition to) Easter flowers, I wish to donate $_________to   (  ) General Fund

(  ) Other

(Please indicate)_______________________

Name of donor:_________________________________________

In Memory of:___________________________________________


In Honor of:_____________________________________________