
St. Matthew United Methodist was formed in 1971 by the merger of First United Methodist and Clawson-Helmick Memorial United Methodist. 

Clawson-Helmick Memorial was formerly a Methodist Protestant Church and was located on the corner of Center and Third (where the church sign and flagpoles are currently).  The original Clawson Memorial Methodist Protestant Church building was started in 1885 and completed in 1886. 

The building was replaced with a new structure in 1919 and renamed Clawson-Helmick Methodist Protestant.  Samuel Clawson was a pioneer Methodist Protestant preacher, and D. G. Helmick pastored Clawson-Memorial for 17 years.  Clawson Memorial parsonage currently serves as the church office.

First United Methodist began with the establishment of a Methodist Episcopal Sunday School Class around 1830.  In 1844 the first church building was completed and dedicated.  A second building replaced the first in 1874, and a third building replaced the second in 1904. 

There have been two substantial changes since construction; the remodeling of the fellowship hall, and the addition of a three-story educational wing during the pastorate of U. E. Wills.  What we have now is only possible because of countless individuals who, over many years, fulfilled their vows to uphold the church through their “prayers, presence, gifts, service & witness”. 

Only God knows the lives that have been touched, and will be touched, through His work in and through this church.  We trust you sense the privilege of benefitting from and adding to the ongoing legacy as we journey together as the family of God.  May our faithfulness bring glory to God and be a fitting tribute to those Saints who have gone before.