Many have reflected that we have been in a Lent so to speak for over a year now. Why revisit it this year? It seems to add to the dilemma we all face in the midst of this pandemic.
Yet, it may be more necessary to consider and practice a good Lent this time around. Lent is not just about giving up things. It is not only about rending one’s heart in acknowledging our human brokenness – where we fall short as followers of Jesus.
Lent is also about claiming our need for a Savior. The ashes do remind us of our mortality and sinfulness, but they are not meant to debase us. When receiving the ashes, they should be received with hope. The ashes point to something beyond us. And in wearing them, in some form or fashion, they testify to us and to those we encounter that we bear not only the smudging blemish of humanity but boldly claim hope in this life and in the life to come through Jesus Christ.
Please accept the gift of ashes on this small square of material to carry with you throughout this Lenten season. Allow it to witness to you each day the need we have for our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace of Christ Jesus be with you,
Pastor Jim