August 2, 2020

AC2020 Sunday Worship Service of Ordination and Baptism

Passage: Jeremiah 30:18-22, Acts 9:26-31

Bible Text: Jeremiah 30:18-22, Acts 9:26-31 | Preacher: Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball |

Our generosity toward the 2020 Special Session Annual Conference offering will benefit three recipient areas of ministry:

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR);

Spring Heights Day Spring Camps, a traveling summer camp experience for children brought to you by the staff of Spring Heights Camp and Retreat Center.

and Student Financial Support for Theological Education in the WV Conference.

During the 2019-20 year, the West Virginia Conference helped to support 74 students continuing their theological education—52 licensed pastors learning through their Course of Study programs and 22 students enrolled in seminaries. This offering will provide support for students who need support beyond our current scholarship systems in order to continue to pursue their theological education.

Your giving is encouraged to be made online through the Conference’s online giving site.

All other giving for the special session of Annual Conference offering should be made through your local church by designating the donation to “2020 Special Session Annual Conference Offering.” Your local church will then remit all donations through its regular process to the Conference Treasurer’s Office to be distributed to the offering recipients.

Both giving options will be available until the end of August.

Church treasures should remit all amounts received for the 2020 Special Session of Annual Conference offering to the Conference Treasurer’s Office along with their church remittance form indicating the amount go to fund #945 Annual Conference Special Session Offerings.

Please follow this link to give on-line.