Sunday Morning Worship Service April 30, 2023 – Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 30, 2023

Sunday Morning Worship Service April 30, 2023 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

Passage: Acts 2:42-47, Psalm 23:1-6, 1 Peter 2:19-25, John 10:1-10

Worship Series
A Living Hope
Sermon Title
Guardian of the Soul
Sermon Message
Maybe this week is an opportunity to experience this guardian of the soul as we worship together.  An invitation to gather at the Communion rail, for example, could allow folks to surround one another with support and prayers.  We can sense that the community does care for us and for what is going on in our lives.  There could be a time of anointing for healing or support.  What signs can you give those who worship with you that there is a guardian who works through the community?  What signs can you give those who worship with you online?  How can you use the chat feature, if there is one, or the comment feature to receive and respond to those individuals and their concerns or joys?

Some of us have had a direct and even mystical experience of that guardian. nBut more of us have felt that guardian through the words and actions of the community that surrounds us. Can we give space for those experiences to be shared during worship as we gather this week?
Choir Team
Enjoy music from our wonderful Choir Team!