Sunday Morning Worship Service February 19 , 2023 – Transfiguration Sunday
Worship Series
Glimpses of the Kin-dom
Sermon Title
Super Sunday
Sermon Message
Transfiguration Sunday, like Reign of Christ or Christ the King Sunday, is about the identity of the one we follow. Jesus the Christ is revealed in glory on the mount of transfiguration. Like the disciples who were privileged to be with him in that moment, we often miss the significance or the opportunity to praise in our struggle to understand. This day is not about knowledge; it is about faith. It is a day for creeds or affirmations of faith. Let us rise to our feet and declare our allegiance to our Lord on this day.
For much of this series, we have celebrated the work of the church, and appropriately so. But we end the series by shifting the focus from us and our work, to Christ and the work that has been done on our behalf. We stand in awe; we bow in praise and adoration; we sing our joy and proclaim the name of Christ. We are who we are because of what he has done.
We might worship with joy and loud praise, or we might worship in silent awe and wonder. It is hard to determine the mood for a Transfiguration Sunday worship experience. It should fit your context. But it should stir up the people, quicken the heart and strengthen their faith. It is a day for affirmation and for grace and for remembering whose we are as the body of Christ. Truly a super Sunday.
Choir Team
Enjoy music from our wonderful Choir Team!