Sunday Morning Worship Service July 16, 2023 – Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
July 16, 2023

Sunday Morning Worship Service July 16, 2023 – Seventh Sunday After Pentecost

Passage: Genesis 25:19-34, Psalm 119:105-112, Romans 8:1-11, Matthew 13:1-9, Matthew 13:18-23

Worship Series
The Path of the Disciple:  Imagining a New Reality

Sermon Title
Seeds in the Dirt

Sermon Message

Every time we pray the Lord’s Prayer and invite God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven, we are engaging in an act of imagination and visioning.  Any time that we claim something of the prophetic vision or embrace a kingdom/kin-dom image of how we could be living in beloved community together, we are imagining a new reality.

As we worship, we celebrate the kingdom, or the kin-dom, that is being called into being through us.  What does that look like for your community?  What does producing a hundred-fold of the fruit of discipleship look like?  What impact will you have on your neighborhood, on the children and youth in your midst?  Dream a little bit this week.  But let your dreams grow from the seeds that you are planting right now.  See beyond the dirt to the fruit God will bring.