Sunday Morning Worship Service November 13, 2022 – Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost
Worship Series
Face to Face with Jesus
Sermon Message
Open-Mouthed Tourists
Children’s Message
Today’s Bible story is from the Gospel of Luke. The gospels tell us the stories of Jesus and many of his encounters with others. We all are going to have storms and feelings of uneasiness during our lives. Life is not always easy. Jesus wants his followers to know that God protects them and is always all around us. Then God’s peace will watch over your hearts and your minds. He will do this because you belong to Christ Jesus. God’s peace can never be completely understood. Even if there are storms and scary situations around us, God always brings a calmness that doesn’t change, even if we are hurt or scared. When we find ourselves in those situations, we can pray for God’s protection and comfort. We can remember that God is always safely close by.
Choir Team
Enjoy music from our wonderful Choir Team!